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sdg 5: Mamma Miya is an ultimate life planner to help busy moms

“Mamma Miya is my attempt to give all “busy” moms a companion who thinks of their well-being when they are busy thinking for everyone else.” said the co-founder Namrata Mayanil.



Moms need someone who will take care of them. Mamma Miya is exactly that. We talked to the founder Aashika Abraham Chittiappa to bring you their story.

What is the idea behind Mamma-Miya?

"Across ages and cultures, as busy moms we juggle complex lives and roles, finding little time and mind-space to manage it ALL – what we need to get done, want to get done, wish we could do – what matters to us. As a result, over years we deprioritize ourselves and might not live life to our fullest potential.

Mamma-Miya is a - by moms, for moms - ecosystem that helps busy moms untangle the complexities of our daily lives, lessen our stress, and make more room for our well-being.

The current solution helps moms untangle the chaos (by the different ‘hats’ we wear), ease mental clutter (by letting us put down all our tasks, lists, notes and to simply ‘brain dump’ the rest), reduce stress and overwhelm (by helping us to focus only on what lies immediately ahead) and make room for what’s important (by integrating valuable routines). It encourages us to invest in ourselves (by offering relevant self-care ideas and prompts us to bring them into our day) and enhances our overall well-being. 


How did you start?


"When I became a mom, I thought I was mentally prepared for all the changes that motherhood would bring - I happily embraced most, and accepted or compromised on others. But the one thing I struggled most to reconcile with, was just how elusive both MY time and energy had become. I wanted to be a great mom AND so much more, but HOW?? Where was the time and the mind-space??

I spent the next 2 years reaching out to literally hundreds of moms around the world to understand whether this problem was unique to me. I was distressed at just how universal and unaddressed this struggle was - irrespective of age or culture. Mamma-Miya was born as a consequence of these conversations and a deep belief in the idea that fulfilled moms lead to happier families, the very foundation for creating a better world.

I hope Mamma-Miya will help us navigate our days with more intention so we live more fulfilled lives.”  said the founder Aashika Abraham Chittiappa

What are your goals?

"Our goal is to help every busy mom feel more fulfilled - as they navigate their days with greater intention, tend to their well-being and are able to be more present in the-moment."


What is currently happening with your startup?

Mamma-Miya has recently been handpicked by Apple’s worldwideApp incubator and we are now working with their tech evangelists to build a renewed experience for our users.

The app is currently under renovation but we have hastened our plan in order to launch the new version by July this year -- to help parents who are struggling more than ever to carve out room for themselves in this Covid-19 induced “new normal”. 

You can find more details about the co-founder's personal story that led us to Mamma-Miya at:

Describe to everyone how you are contributing to SDG5.

We believe that Mamma-Miya contributes to “gender equality” by empowering the insufficiently addressed conversation around placing more value on a mom’s time.
We enable moms to better share the “mental load” of parenting and through that aim to bridge the very real gap in parenting expectations and responsibilities. Multiple research studies point to the fact that moms carry the majority of the "mental load" and experience the highest levels of daily stress amongst all groups of customers. See attached graph by JWT & Advertising Age.

In the post Covid-19 world, the need to make room for one’s own self-care (as many people are experiencing burnout - especially parents) has finally been recognised and addressed publicly en-masse. This is a battle that busy moms have faced for decades.


We are very keen at this stage to reach out to different moms around the world to become Mamma-Miya’s brand advocates. If anybody would be interested to contribute their stories, learnings and insights, please write in directly to us at

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